It’s been a busy couple of weeks, but I’ve finally put the script for “Viral” on the site here for your enjoyment and/or to raise your own esteem.

Seems like everyone has a feature spec called “Viral” right now, so I’ll say a couple of things about mine to hopefully differentiate it from the superior versions currently bound for production.

The script came about because of a challenge. Someone (can’t recall who – but I’m sure they’ll let me know) challenged me to write a film set in a single location which could be shot from a static, fixed position. This was in the days before “Buried” (just to give you some idea of how long ago this happened).

After toying with several ideas I ended up going with a web-cam ‘confessional’ set against the backdrop of an ‘invasion of the body-snatchers’ tale, exploring the theme of identity – although I’ll leave it to others to judge whether that was successful.

Enjoy, and feel free to drop me a line to tell me what you think.