Imposter syndrome

Happy 2019 folks! Welcome back to the new, and hopefully improved, issue of IMPOSTER SYNDROME!


2018 has finally ended. I dunno about you but there were times when I thought it was never gonna end. It was a tough year in a lot of ways, so I’m glad to see the back of it – and looking forward to getting shit done in 2019.


I’ve never been one to make resolutions (to be honest I don’t see the point, but kudos to you if it’s your thing) but I do believe in is planning for the year ahead. Sure, you can’t plan for everything because life will always throw you a curve-ball or two. But planning helps you to be prepared for when things go sideways. At least, I hope so.


Here’s to you! Thanks for checking in, and best of luck for 2019!


Now, on with the show…


100 rejections challenge


Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to join me in obtaining 100+ rejections in 2019. I know what you’re thinking: making things is hard enough so why the hell would I want 100 rejections? Let’s explore this in more detail.


Rejection sucks. There’s no two ways about it. It’s soul-sucking and less fun than root canal work. We’ve all been rejected and felt the horrific deflation that comes with the generic template email (if you’re even lucky enough to receive one of those – but that’s another rant for another time). It’s part and parcel of being a creator, as inevitable as the increasing entropy of the universe.


From that perspective, the 100 rejection challenge is a way to re-frame your rejection. Rather than sending you into a despair spiral, celebrate the rejection as it moves you one step closer to your goal. And I’m not just talking about the 100 rejection challenge. The more rejections you get, the better you’ll be able to respond to them appropriately (as long as you’re using them in a critical, self-reflective way). It’s also a good indicator of how well you’re doing in terms of achieving your goal. If you’re doing more work and sharing that work with others then you should be getting more rejections. Simple as that.


So join me in 2019 by tracking your rejections, learning from them and using them to your advantage. Let me know how it goes for you.




The podcast will return in the very near future with more guests and hopefully a live event early in the spring. Fingers crossed it all comes together.

In the meantime be sure to check out all the past episodes by clicking any of the links below. Be inspired by all these amazing Canadian creators and let me know who you’d love to hear from. I can’t promise they’ll agree to be on the podcast – but I’ll do my best to make it happen!


iTunes Google Play Stitcher


Offbeats #2 is on sale March 27, 2019 through your local comic shop. Be sure to order copies using the code JAN191582 and enjoy the next installment of our gin-soaked, period, crime-noir.


For those of you in the know, offbeats was originally called LOWLIVES and we released an preview of issue #1 many moons ago which some of you may have in your collection.


To celebrate the published version of the book, we’re offering you the FREE pitch pages from waaaaaaayyyyyy back in 2012. Just click here to see the PDF.


Although a lot of things changed from the original pitch, there’s still elements of the characters and tone in the finished book. Check out the pitch and then pick up copies of OFFBEATS at your local store.



The countdown is on for the final issue coming your way soon. Who lives? Who dies? Who gets tattooed? All will be revealed in the epic finale.


Make sure you catch up on the previous issues here especially issue #3 which was a recent comic of the week on ComixCentral and was also nominated for the 2018 ComixCentral Comic of the Year.


Pick up your digital copies here and stay tuned for info about how to get a physical version.




Don’t be a stranger


That’s it for this issue, but I’ll be back soon with more tales from the physics swampland, rejection updates and a host of more useful information.


If you’re working on a sci-fi story and have questions about some of they physics – drop me a line and I’ll do my best to help out. I have a PhD in theoretical physics that I can finally put to good use!


Catch up with me on Twitter as I’m likely to deactivate my Facebook account any day now.


Until next time.