Time is relative, so let’s all pretend it’s only been two weeks since the last gripping installment of IMPOSTER SYNDROME.


Thanks to everyone who contributed to, or shared/liked our kickstarter campaign during October. It was one helluva ride, but unfortunately we didn’t quite reach our funding target 🙁


What does this mean for the anthology? Rest assured we will get this into your hands. The book is far too good to be left to die in a digital graveyard – so keep your eyes peeled for more updates when they inevitably appear.


While you’re waiting, check out this sick cover from the artistic dream-team of Adam Gorham, Joshua Hixson, and Tim Daniel.


DOTHA cover

There’s a pervasive narrative that crowdfunding is easy, and projects that don’t get funded are simply not good enough.


I heartily disagree with both statements. Certainly with DOTHA, the creators, the artwork and the individual stories are incredible. Everyone worked hard to promote the campaign and yet it still didn’t succeed. This time.


Does that mean the book isn’t good enough? Should we all throw in the towel? Far from it. I think this setback has made everyone more determined than ever to bring this project to life. Could we have done more? Sure. I think there’s always room for improvement/refinement. Perhaps we launched at the wrong time of year? It’s hard to say. There are too many variables to control for when you’re creating something. It’s a classic example where luck, timing, and skill all need to intersect at the same point in space-time (see, I knew this would lead me back to a physics topic).


Anyway, like any great horror character – this book is not yet dead and will return soon!!!

Horror 6

Comics can often take a long time to come together. Sometimes they take so long you forget you were involved in them.

Case in point: a new horror anthology from Grayhaven Comics is finally headed to the printers and will be out soon.


Because there were so many stories to include, they decided to break the book into two: Horror 5 and Horror 6. Number 5 will be out first, but I have a story in Horror 6 drawn by the talented Finnish artist Juha Veltti called “Recusion,” and it’s a twisted little tale about Voodoo dolls.


Grayhaven just released the cover for Horror 6 (by artist Anthony Richichi) and it looks pretty interesting.


I should have physical copies available at cons in early 2019, but more info on when and where you can purchase the book will be forthcoming.


49 degrees north podcast

New episodes of the podcast are on their way! I took the summer off from recording new episodes but am finally ready to put new episodes into the world.


If you haven’t yet checked out the past episodes, fear not. You can find them all at your favourite podcast site – or go here and get them direct from the main feed.


If you have an idea for someone who you’d like me to chat with on the show, please feel free to drop me a line. I don’t bite.




Tales from the dark side

There’s been continued debate about the swampland conjecture over the past month, with lots of interesting objections and clarifications being raised. I’ll spare you the details as this is already turning into a bit of an opus.


There’s also been a story doing the rounds about new particles discovered at CERN (specifically in the CMS experiment) which has a low mass (around 30 GeV) appearing in di-muon collisions. Strangely the high-energy behaviour of this particle does not seem consistent, so there’s a high probability this result is not an actual particle detection (it could be due to uncertainty of isolating the background signal).


Instead, I’ll highlight this paper which compiles notes from lectures on superconductivity and QCD, with a nice historical introduction to the different phenomenological models developed in the early 20th century.


Happy reading!

As always, be sure to pick up digital copies of each issue for just $1.99 each at the usual places – but please check out my store on ComixCentral.