It’s time for another installment of the tantalizing, twisted, thoughtful, terrifying, alliteration-breaking update known as IMPOSTER SYNDROME.

Travel advisory

Thanks to Chris & Mike for putting on a great SaskExpo this year, and I can’t say enough good things about the show. If it’s not on your radar, it should be. It was great to meet so many people in Saskatoon and chat comics, and a big thank you to everyone who picked up copies of my books – and also to those of you who stopped by to talk about the podcast. I really appreciate it.


And thanks Pile O’Bones Brewing for creating this surprisingly good beer.



You can catch me next at Fan Expo Vancouver from October 12-14, so please drop by table A117 to say hello and pick up copies of Scratcher, Ultrabot, and whatever else I have available.



The Kickstarter for this awesome book is now live and has been selected as a “project we love.” The lineup of creators involved in this anthology is staggering, so if you can only contribute to one anthology this year – THIS BOOK IS THE ONE.


Thanks to everyone who’s contributed so far. We really appreciate your support and willingness to go on this dark and twisted journey with us.


My contribution is a story called “Contrition,” drawn by the talented Ariel Viola. As a sneak peek behind the scenes, here’s a GIF of one of the pages showcasing Ariel’s process from thumbnails to flats to final colors.

Please consider contributing to the Kickstarter and be one of the first to pick up this amazing book published through A Wave Blue World. Every $ counts if we’re going to bring this book back to life in true HORROR FASHION.


As threatened in previous installments, Scratcher #3 will be available as soon as humanly possible in both digital and physical incarnations. If you’re looking to itch that scratch then check out this (partial) panel from issue 3.


Make sure to check out Juan’s website for more of his amazing artwork and pick up his books wherever you can.


If you haven’t picked up copies of Issues 1 & 2 then you should head immediately to my ComiXCentral shop (click the image below) to grab copies.


Still on the fence? Would some positive reviews sway you? Then head here to read a selection of reviews from people who’ve already read the first issues and you can also check out the original pitch PDF for free.


Again the swampland conjecture continues to be the most interesting debate in theoretical physics with two opposing camps forming on either side of the issue. I’ll go into more details next time, but there’s no doubt this conjecture has thrown the cat among the pigeons with people digging in on either side of the argument.