If you love horror anthologies then you should check out 101 Proof Horror, a new horror anthology from Czykmate Productions.


At 180,000 words it’s not something you can slip in your pocket, but trust me it’s worth checking out.


I’ve loved short horror stories since I was a kid, so I figured it was high time to write one of my own – and what better time to do it than the midst of a pandemic.


So I did.


I wrote a few in fact, and one of them is in this book. I won’t give away any spoiler about the story, but if you enjoy psychological horror then my short, sharp, shock will be just what you’re looking for.


There are a lot of other great stories in this horror anthology so please check it out. You can click on the links below to pick up hard-copies from Amazon.


Enjoy, and make sure you leave a light on. You’re gonna need it.


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